S26E104: Giant Black Hole Destroys a Massive Star | A Space News Pod
SpaceTime with Stuart Gary August 31, 202300:29:18

S26E104: Giant Black Hole Destroys a Massive Star | A Space News Pod

SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 104
*A giant black hole destroys a massive star
Astronomers have been examining the ripped apart remains of a once giant star that was torn apart and discarded by a supermassive black hole.
*A new window on the X-ray cosmos
Japan is about to launch a new X-ray telescope which will further enhance sciences understanding o\f the universe.
*A “Jupiter” hotter than the Sun
Astronomers have discovered a hot Jupiter come Brown dwarf hotter than the surface of the Sun.
*The Science Report
Emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica experiencing complete breeding failure due to global warming.
A new study has recommended that Mask-wearing should continue in healthcare settings.
No link found between a country's uptake of Facebook and its population having poorer mental health.
Alex on Tech: Samsung slammed by government consumer report.
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